Transposed Roots

A tribute to French songs

"Five years ago, my roots were transposed to a new land. Now I'm blooming."

In her concert Racines Transposées, mezzo-soprano Mariana De la Rosa pays tribute to the French songs that have accompanied her on her journey. A road that began in her homeland and carried her all the way to her adopted land, where "La foule" took her in its arms, enabling her to start afresh and continue to blossom.
From Mexico to Quebec, she carried "Cent mille chansons" and many dreams in her suitcase. Little by little, she is blossoming in her new home, passing on this pride through the music that has always nurtured her, like the greatest "Story of a Love".

Great titles from French-language music come together in this production of classical vocals, piano (Alexandre Nadeau) and percussion (Alex Hébert) in classical-style arrangements, to compose a "Hymne à l'amour".

Beatriz Caraballo

Hey! I'm B.

I'm a self-proclaimed Squarespace Customization Geek dedicated to helping fellow designers speed up their workflow, grow their coding skills and enjoy the heck out of coding.

Rosas y Espinas


Synesthesia: Music and colors